All branches of the U.S. Armed services use the related technical terms, Forward Line of Own Troops (FLOT) and Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA). Forward Edge Battle Area is a partial conversion for UT focusing on a conflict between two factions - United Earth Task Forces and Havian Rebels, an alien race, set deep in the future. Can be played with any gametype, any map.
- Forward edge of the battle area. The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat units are deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces are operating, designated to coordinate fire support, the positioning of forces, or the maneuver of units. Also called FEBA.
- Forward; forward arming and refueling point; forward edge of the battle area; forward force down; forward inclination; forward motion; forward pass; forward puller; forward somersault; forward-bent posture; forward-looking; forwarding; forwarding address; Have a look at the English-French dictionary by
FM 101-5-1Operational Conditions and GraphicsChapter 1 N(JP 1-02) - A pleasant aircraftsimulating a hostiIe in an atmosphere defense workout. (See also.) Find FM 44-100.(JP 1-02, NATO) - The precipitationto world of radioactive particulate matter from a nuclear cloud; also used tothe particulate matter itself. (Discover also, and radiationstatus.) Observe FM of scatterable mine - Agrouping of munitións that dispense scatterabIe mines (scatminés) by artillery,heIicopter, fixed wing, or terrain launchers. There are usually antipersonnel andantitank minés. All US scatminés self-destruct át preset times. Theself-destruct situations depend on the kind of munition. (Notice alsoand.) Find FMs 5-71-100,6-series, and 20-32.- Huge cylindrical packages ofmaterial, usually wooden poles or plastic or metallic pipe usually bound together,which are usually lowered into ditches or gaps to produce crossings.
(Discover alsoand.)Sée FM 5-102.- A type of strike utilized as a deceptionintended to attract the foe's interest away from the aréa of the primary strike.This induces the foe to move his reserves or to shift his open fire assistance inreaction to thé feint. Féints must appear true and therefore require somecontact with the enemy. Usually a limited-objective strike varying in dimension froma raid to a supporting attack will be executed. (Find also, and.)Notice FMs 6-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 90-2, 100-5, and 100-15.(JP 1-02, NATO) - An exerciseconducted in the field under simulated war circumstances in which soldiers andarmament of one aspect are really present, while those of the various other side may beimaginary or in contour. (Observe also command post exercise.) Find FMs 25-100, 25-101, and 101-5.(JP 1-02, NATO) - The areawhich a weapon or a team of weapons may include efficiently with fire from agiven position.
Forward Edge Of The Battle Area Definition

(Observe also intelligence planning of the battlefield , battle place , and.)Notice FMs 7-7, 7-8, and 7-10.(JP 1-02, NATO) -An emplacement or protection of a temporary character which can be built withreasonable facility by models requiring no more than small engineer supervisoryand devices participation. (Observe furthermore battle place , and(SP).) Notice FM 5-103.- Important services toenhance a soldier's quality of daily life during functions. They include foodpreparation, drinking water refinement, mortuary matters support, airdrop support,laundry and shower providers, and towel and light textile fix. Observe FM 10-1.- The combat assistance supportportion of a device at business, battalion, and brigade level that can be positioned inthe brigade support area with the forward support battalion and some other supportelements sent forward from the department main assistance battalion. At companylevel, source and mess teams usually will end up being situated in the battaIion fieldtrains. A battaIion'h field trains may consist of mess teams and the portion ofthe supply area of the assistance platoon, a maintenance element, and ammunitionand oil, natural oils, and lubricants (POL) components not forward in the combattrains. (Find furthermore and.) Find FMs 7-30, 7-123, 63-2,and 63-20.field trains command blog post (Military) - At thebattalion and squadron amounts, the location from which thé HHC/HHT commandercontroIs the industry trains procedures.
Find FMs 7-7, 7-8, and 7-20.fighter liaison officer (Army) - A memberof the tactical atmosphere control celebration. He can be responsible to the corps atmosphere liaisonofficer (ALO) and provides specific knowledge and experience on the employment offighter strike aircraft.last coordination range - A line close up tothe foe position used to synchronize the lifting or shifting of supportingfires with the last deployment of move around components. It should be recognizableon the terrain. It is not a fireplace support coordination measure. (See also.) Discover FMs 7-7, 7-8, 7-10, 7-20, 7-30,and protecting fire (JP 1-02, NATO) - Animmediately accessible prearranged buffer of open fire created to impede enemymovement across protective ranges or places. (Observe furthermore battle placement , and final protective collection (FPL).) SeeFMs 7-7, 7-8, 7-10, 7-20, 7-30, and defensive series - A line of fireselected where an enemy assault can be to become checked by interlocking fireplace from allavailable weapons and hurdles. (Find also, industry of fireplace, final defensive open fire (FPF), and principal directionof open fire.) See FMs 6-20 collection, 7-7, 7-8,7-10, 7-20, 7-30, and 71-123.(JP 1-02, NATO) - 1.
Thecommand given to release a weapon(beds). To detonate the mainexplosive charge by methods of a firing system. The act ofdischarging a weapon(s i9000), introducing rockets and missiIes, or detonating anexpIosive.
The receiving óf the effects of weapon(h) ammunition andexplosions.fireplace foundation - 1. An area utilized duringair assault procedures from which a device is transferred via helicopters and supportsthe surroundings assault operation's primary effort with direct or indirect fire. 2.An area in hostile or insurgent territory which provides a 360-diploma protection andwhich facilitates combat patrols or bigger functions with fight assistance andcombat services support property. (See also.)See FM 71-100-3.- A particular sequence ofinformation provided by a handle authority (for instance, a vehicle commander orfire direction middle) that causes a crew to begin performing a sequence ofactions and provides detailed direction to select the ammunition kind, goal theweapon, and employ the target. Each element given by the control needs aresponse from a staff associate to guarantee proper aiming and wedding. After theinitial fireplace command, following fire commands using the same sequence ofinformation can end up being utilized to adjust the stage of effect to make certain the desiredtarget impact.
Find FMs 6-series, 7-90, 7-91, 17-12, and direction middle (JP 1-02, NATO) -That component of a control post, consisting of gunnery ánd communicationpersonnel and tools, by methods of which the commander exercise routines firedirection and/or open fire control. The fireplace direction middle receives targetintelligence and demands for fireplace, and translates them into suitable firedirection. (Military) - Offers timely and efficient tactical and specialized firecontrol in support of current operations. Observe FMs 6-20 collection and 7-90.(JP 1-02, NATO) - 1.Fire which is usually delivered after the mean point of impact or rush is usually within thedesired range of the focus on or adjusting/ranging point. Term ina call for fire to reveal the adjustment/ranging can be acceptable and open fire foreffect can be preferred. (Army) - That quantity of fire delivered on a focus on toachieve the preferred effect.
(Discover also,final defensive fireplace (FPF), fire mission,and.) Discover FMs 7-7, 7-8, 7-10,7-20, 7-30 and 71-123.(JP 1-02, NATO) - 1.Specific assignment provided to a shooting unit as part of a particular program.2. Purchase utilized to notify the weapon/battery area ánd indicate that thémessage sticking with is usually a call for fireplace. (Discover furthermore, and fireplace support component ) Discover FMs 6-20 series and 7-90.- The idea ofapplying fire from all resources to suppress, reduce the effects of, or eliminate the enemy,ánd the tactical motion of fight causes in relation to the foe (ascomponents of move around is appropriate at all echeIons).
At the squad degree, itentails a group putting suppressive fire on the enemy as another group movesagainst or around the foe. (See furthermore, and.) Observe FMs 7-7, 7-8,7-10, 7-20, 7-30, and 71-123.(JP 1-02, NATO) - A tactical planfor making use of the weaponry of a device or formation therefore that their open fire will becoordinated. (See also, open fire assistance, and finalprotective fire (FPF).) Observe FMs 6-20 collection, 7-7, 7-8, 7-10, 7-20, 7-30, and71-123.(JP 1-02, NATO) - 1. Theamount of open fire which may become shipped by a position, unit, or weapon system.2. Ability to provide fire. (Military) - The potential capacity (product)of all weaponry and attack systems obtainable to the pressure commander.
(Notice also, open fire plan, and objective,enemy, terrain, troops, and period accessible.)Notice FMs 1-113, 6-20, 7-10, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 100-5, and100-15.- The delivery of all forms of ordnancethrough both immediate and indirect means that, as nicely as nonlethal methods, thatcontribute to the damage, disruption, or suppression of the enemy;help tactical motion; and obtain a decisive impact. Find FMs 6-20series, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 100-5, and 100-15.- The collective andcoordinated incorporation and synchronization of the fires and effects of armedaircraft, Iand-based and séa-based indirect open fire techniques, and electronic warfaresystems that straight support combat pushes against ground targets to delay,disrupt, or ruin enemy energies, combat formations, and amenities in pursuitof functional and tactical objectives. (Observe alsoand fire support program.)Notice FMs 6-20 series, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 100-5, and assistance area - A ocean aréa in which aship máy position or get while firing in assistance of ground pushes. (See alsofire assistance place (FSS) and naval gunfire assistance (.)See FM 6-collection.(JP 1-02) - Ameasure used by land or amphibious commanders to help the rapidengagement of goals and simultaneously provide safeguards for friendly makes.(Army) - In near coordination with helping air asset commanders.
Forward Line Of Own Troops
(See alsofire assistance coordination.) Observe FMs 6-20 collection, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100,71-123, 100-5, and 100-15.(JP1-02, NATO) - The preparation and performing of fire so that focuses on are usually adequatelycovered by a ideal weapon or group of weapons. (Discover also fire supportcoordinating gauge.) Observe FMs 6-20 collection, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123,100-5, and assistance coordination line (JP 1-02)- A collection set up by the appropriate land or amphibious force commander toensure coordination of open fire not really under the commanderµs handle but which mayaffect current tactical operations. The FSCL is utilized to put together fires ofair, ground, or ocean weapons techniques making use of any type of ammunition ágainst surfacetargets. Thé FSCL should follow well-defined terrain functions. Theestablishment of thé FSCL must end up being synchronised with the suitable tactical aircommander and other supporting elements. Supporting elements may assault targetsforward of thé FSCL without earlier coordination with the property or amphibious forcecommander provided the assault will not produce undesirable surface results on or tothe back of the line.
Assaults against surface area targets behind this series must becoordinated with the suitable land or amphibious pressure commander. (Army) - Apermissive open fire control gauge founded and modified by the groundcommander in consultation with excellent, subordinate, helping, and otheraffected commanders. It can be not really a border; synchronization of functions oneither aspect of the FSCL is usually the responsibility of the estabIishing commander outto thé limitations of the property element forward border.
It pertains to all firesof surroundings, property, and ocean weapon systems making use of any type of ammunition againstsurface targets. Forces assaulting focuses on beyond the FSCL must inform allaffected commanders to permit required coordination to prevent fratricide. (Seealso, matched fire line , and open fire support choosing gauge.) SeeFMs 6-20 collection, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 100-5, 100-15, and JP support component (Army) - A functionalportion of a power tactical operations middle that provides centralizedtargeting, coordination, and integration of fire delivered on surface area targetsby open fire support means under the control of or in support of the power. Thiselement can be staffed from the industry artillery head office or industry artillerystaff section of the power and staff of other fire assistance indicates.(See also flame support coordinating measure and fireplace support strategy.) Observe FMs6-20 series, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 100-5, and 100-15.- A plan on howindirect fires and target pay for will end up being utilized to support an procedure. Itshould include a portion for each means of fireplace support involved. (Find also, fireplace support, open fire supportcoordination, operationorder , and.) Discover FMs 6-20 collection support station (Military) - A specifiedposition at ocean from which a mail must flame in assistance of floor forces. Thisis very restrictive and puts the vessel at biggest danger.
(Observe also fireplace supportarea (FSA) ánd naval gunfire assistance.)See FM 6-20 support team (Army) - In firesupport operations, a group made up of a group primary (field artillerylieutenant) and the required additional staff and devices needed toplan, demand, synchronize, and direct fire assistance initiatives forcompany-sized systems. (See also open fire support component (FSE).) Notice FMs6-20-20 and 7-10.(JP 1-02) - 1.In property operations, an electrical circuit and/or pyrotechnic cycle designed todetonate connected fees from a shooting stage.
In naval minewarfare, that component of a mine routine which either finishes the detonatorcircuit or works a ship counter. See FMs 5-71-100 and 5-250.first location reporting point (Army)- A stage manned by a movement regulating group, a motion control group, ormilitary police that diverts a driver and freight to an alternate consignee ordestination. Find FM 55-10.(JP 1-02, NATO) - A place determinedfrom terrestrial, digital, or astronomical data. (Observe furthermore.) (Military) - 1.
A tacticaltask in which activities are used to prevent the foe from relocating any component of hisforces éither from a particular area or for a particular period of period byholding or surrounding them to prevent their drawback for use elsewhere.2. A tactical barrier impact that integrates fire planning andobstacle work to stop an opponent within a given area-normally anengagement area. (See also, and.) Discover FMs 1-112, 5-71-100, 5-102, 7-7, 7-8,7-10, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100, 71-123, 90-7, 100-5, and 100-15.(JP 1-02, NATO) - A securityelement working to the fIank of a moving or stationary force to defend itfrom enemy ground observation, direct open fire, and surprise attack. (Observe alsoand.) Discover FMs 1-111, 1-112, 1-116, 7-20, 7-30, 17-95, 71-100,71-123, and 100-5.(JP 1-02, NATO) -Impairment of eyesight producing from an extreme display of lighting. It includestemporary or long term loss of visual features and may become associated withretinal burns up. (Find also anddirected-energy combat.) Notice FM 100-30.flight coordination center (Army) - Aprimary Army air traffic control agency that is usually subordinate to the flightoperations middle (FOC).